Be Inspired by 6 Nunn Design Makers!


Nunn Design’s success is due to the commitment of our community of makers. It brings me great joy to celebrate our customers that are committed to living a creative life and choose to design with Nunn Design Findings to express their creativity.

We have added 6 additional makers to our Meet the Makers section of our website. Read these makers’ stories and be inspired on how they built their businesses.

Let me introduce the most recent additions of our Meet the Makers!

Brave Sunday

Meet the Maker: Brave Sunday

Christi Friesen

Meet the Maker: Christi Friesen

Reena, Maker of kisii

Meet the Maker: Reena, Maker Behind Kisii

Ceci Leibovitz

Meet the Maker: Ceci Leibovitz

Hello Dear Handmade

Meet the Maker: Hello Dear Handmade

Sistas with Bad Habits

Meet the Maker: Sistas with Bad Habits

Thank you to all of you for choosing Nunn Design to partner with in the growing of your creative businesses!

Shop Nunn Design Wholesale

Nunn Design has been supplying jewelry artists with findings for over 20 years. Shop wholesale jewelry findings for creative jewelry makers.

Shop Nunn Design!

How to Purchase Wholesale?

If you are interested in becoming one of the many designers who trust their jewelry to Nunn Design Findings, please join us by registering to become one of our wholesale customers!

Please visit our Where to Buy Page for a listing of online stores that sell Nunn Design Findings retail.

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