Consumers hungry for self-service options


A good majority of consumers, 81%, want more self-service options, yet only 15% are highly satisfied with today’s tools, though brands believe 53% are very satisfied with their self-service.

Those are top findings from Nice’s “2022 Digital-First Customer Experience Report.”

While 95% of companies surveyed reported a dramatic growth in customer self-service requests in 2021, major gaps exist between what businesses think customers want and what consumers actually prefer, according to a press release on the findings.

The report polled 1,320 respondents in the U.S. and U.K.

Another report highlight stated that while 36% of consumers would like to see companies make self-service smarter, less than 11% of businesses are making that a priority.

“While focusing on digital-first interactions, our report underscores the importance of both agent-assisted and self-service channels, with businesses primarily wanting the ability to choose whichever option they prefer at any given time. This confirms the need for CXi — Customer Experience Interactions — a new approach that focuses on the end-to-end digital customer journey, requiring a complete customer experience platform that only NICE CXone offers,” Paul Jarman, Nice CXone CEO, said in the release.


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