Council OKs jewelry store plan at Conneaut Lake | News
CONNEAUT LAKE — Members of Conneaut Lake Borough Council have approved a conditional use permit for Jim Cunningham to operate a home-owned jewelry store in the borough.
The approval was given last week following recommendations from the borough’s planning commission.
The decision came after a zoning hearing via Zoom.
Council member Mario deBlasio expressed appreciation to Cunningham for following the letter of the law — going through the process and setting an example on how to acquire all the necessary approvals for operating a business.
DeBlasio said he admires Cunningham’s patience through the process and said Cunningham and his family are an asset to the community.
Cunningham responded, saying he appreciated the approval and the process was a learning experience that he really enjoyed.
• The Conneaut Lake Community Development Committee received two new significant contributions to continue its multimillion-dollar revitalization project in downtown Conneaut Lake.
Bill Eldridge, president of the committee and a borough council member, reported at the recent council meeting that Richard and Jan Williams had donated $1,500 to the committee and Glen Moss donated another $10,000, the eighth annual contribution of $10,000 from him.
• Council members greed to continue to work with Sadsbury Township for Seal Kote bids.
Jim Donnochie, streets manager, told council that Sadsbury is reducing the number of municipalities to be included in group bidding.
He also reported the borough’s dump truck needed repairs after it broke down and had to be towed. He said the repairs cost $500 and the tow cost $250.
Donnochie also said the truck is 15 years old and has 4,500 hours of use and more than 100,000 miles. He said it is up-and-running and expressed appreciation to Sadsbury Township for its assistance when the truck was out of service.
• Penny Monahan, finance chair, told council that it started the new year “with a healthy balance” in its bank account.
She also said the tax collector reported a total of $16,000 in unpaid taxes.
• Conneaut Lake Volunteer Fire Department firefighters have received their first round of COVID-19 vaccines.
• A lack of response from the operator of a tattoo parlor in Conneaut Lake continues as the borough attempts to get the business to have its signage conform to requirements.
Council has been trying for several months to get the matter resolved and is investigating what legal action can be taken against the operator.
• An eagle for on top of the flag pole at the borough building has arrived.
Council member Mike Krepps commended fellow member Penny Monahan for her purchase of the flag pole and eagle in memory of her husband, the late Terry Monahan.
Christine Morian, secretary for the borough, also announced a new cleaning service will be hired for the town hall. She said she and Monahan have been doing the cleaning for the past year.
• Mario deBlasio was appointed to the water authority and Jim Ross was named vacancy board chairman during the meeting.
• Council agreed to continue its subscription to Zoom services at a discount for 12 months.
Members said state law may forbid in-person meetings for a few more months and the discount means council would get 12 months of service for what would normally be five months, saving $104 for 12 months. The monthly fee is $14.99.