Where To Buy Body Jewelry For Spring 2022

Depending on where you live, spring 2022 could already be in full swing–or you might still be waiting on those sweet breezes that come with the warmer months. Either way, we’ve had an intense year, so why not treat yourself with some breathtaking body jewelry for sale? If you need to know where to buy jewelry, or how to tell if body jewelry quality is on the up and up, you’re in the right place.
It’s been long enough since lockdown that you might be wondering where to buy body jewelry, much less where to buy body jewelry with quality you can trust. Don’t worry though–we’ve got your back! We have captivating body jewelry for sale, with effortless options for anyone’s style.
Since spring 2022 is such a life-changing moment in time, you might be wondering what body jewelry for sale is right for you. Are you still going to be staying in, or are you looking for where to buy body jewelry for spring flings? With some quality body jewelry, you’ll own the season no matter what you’re up to.
Either way, body jewelry quality will probably be a must for you–or at least it should! We have an effortless list that will tell you everything you need to know about where to buy body jewelry in spring 2022, not to mention show you everything you need to choose your new favorite pieces! Get ready to find some body jewelry for sale that will mesmerize you!
Belly Rings
If you’ve never tried out an alluring belly button piercing, spring 202 2is promising to serve some serious “you only live once” vibes. If you’re wondering where to buy body jewelry for you, you should look to your belly button for the answer. A belly ring made of 14K gold promises body jewelry quality, and luckily for you there are tons of belly body jewelry for sale!
Sweet designs like a heart or a top-mounted charm will be the most obsessed part of spring 2022’s belly ring craze. The top-mount belly ring here is a great example of the adorable body jewelry for sale this year. When it comes to body jewelry quality, white gold is perfect for ensuring the health of your skin! So, if you know where to buy body jewelry made with painstaking quality, you’re about to wear a whole lot more crop tops!
The powerful thing about belly rings is that they’re a type of quality body jewelry that’s easy to hide. You won’t have to worry about where to buy body jewelry you can easily conceal for a work meeting when you can just go with a belly ring and wear a longer shirt! All the body jewelry for sale here is not just gorgeous, but stealthy as well–when you need it to be, anyway. You can also captivate people with belly rings when they’re visible! Best of both worlds, basically.
A set of floral earrings and necklaces are the perfect complement to your piercings! With quality body jewelry you can make your spring statements in a provocative way, and then layer our Flora pieces over that to bring some spring blossoms to your style. When it comes to body jewelry for sale, the florals in this collection fit perfectly with other pieces on our site. If you’re looking for where to buy body jewelry with matching collections of earrings and bracelets, this is it, friend 🙂
Our Flora collection uses bold black onyx and pure mother of pearl in its floral motif jewelry to stand out next to your quality body jewelry. We even have a set of earrings with pink mother of pearl to make your flowers bloom brightest in spring 2022! Our body jewelry for sale is gorgeous when worn with Flora pieces, since the sterling silver and white gold look adorable with the black and white florals! There’s no where to buy body jewelry with such a variety of body jewelry accessories!
Pieces in our Flora collection include single motif pendants and longer necklaces with many flowers! Our body jewelry quality is replicated here, with only the best 925 sterling silver and 14K gold used in our pieces. No need to wonder where to buy body jewelry or anything else with such a broad collection! Pair our body jewelry for sale with the florals here and you’ll find the patterns are perfect together.
Sterling Silver
Our body jewelry for sale uses 925 sterling silver to give its gems a gorgeous setting. There’s no body jewelry quality like this level of sterling silver, so remember where to buy body jewelry with such authentic metals! Sterling silver goes great with black onyx, as you’ll see in our Flora collection, and we have a tennis bracelet in sterling silver that shows what this captivating metal can do when it’s the main event of a piece!
925 sterling silver is the best choice for quality body jewelry because it’s easier to avoid skin reactions that come with lower quality silver. You should be looking for where to buy body jewelry with this quality silver because–little known fact–most silver allergies are actually to metals like nickel and other adulterant metals in lower quality silver! Meanwhile, our body jewelry for sale will do you right.
Sterling silver necklaces are a quality body jewelry accessory since they draw attention to what else is on your body! Our body jewelry for sale will pop in your outfits more if you have sterling silver pendants or bracelets catching people’s attention. It’s hard to find where to buy body jewelry and regular jewelry at the same time, though we don’t have that problem 😉
White Gold
We use 14K white gold for our pieces, because why not use the best? 14K is a sweet spot for body jewelry quality, because it combines a high level of purity with durability. Our gold body jewelry for sale needs to last a long time, so a quality like 18K would ironically be too pure–gold is a bendy metal, so we mix it with sturdier stuff to make it stronger. Keep that in mind if you’re looking for where to buy body jewelry with quality and durability.
White gold is often said to look a lot like silver, so you’ll notice our white gold body jewelry for sale is very silvery in tone. Quality body jewelry in white gold has some fine distinctions from silver, and it’s certainly still a higher quality metal. If you want to compare, visit Lavari to find where to buy body jewelry in both metals 😉 One plus side of white gold is that it lets you wear gold with silver without a color clash!
So what quality body jewelry do we have in white gold? Our white gold body jewelry for sale includes a gorgeous top mounted belly ring that flashes a captivating cubic zirconia charm. If you’re wondering where to buy body jewelry with princess cut earrings to match, we’ve got what you need! Our white gold earrings will look great with any of our other white gold or sterling silver pieces.
When it comes to quality body jewelry accessories, we also have some white gold levearback earrings with gorgeous amethysts to complement our belly rings. Our body jewelry for sale is just begging for a flash of this breathtaking purple gem to complete the look. If you need to know where to buy body jewelry with some flashy gem earrings to match, here’s your answer. All in all, white gold is where it’s at this spring!
The Best Body Jewelry For Sale
So what in our collection here is the absolute best, you ask? There are a few essentials that we’d say basically everyone should have. Out of the body jewelry for sale on this page, you probably can’t get by without princess cut studs. And we don’t know where to buy body jewelry like our Flora collection’s pendant! When it comes to quality body jewelry, we have here a list that will fill all your needs.
White gold amethyst earrings are probably another must on this list, since our captivating white gold has the highest body jewelry quality. If you want to know where to buy body jewelry with florals, we’ll point you to the Flora collection. And for someone looking for flashy body jewelry for sale, our white gold top mount belly ring’s dangling charm never fails to catch the eye. All these pieces feel like a warm breeze coming straight from mid-June.
You can look through our Spring Bling collection for all our Spring 2022 quality body jewelry! Because after all, why should you be asking us what body jewelry for sale is best for you? We can tell you where to buy body jewelry that’s perfect for your look, and all you have to do is check out the sale items and find your bliss. We have an exciting rollout this year, so we hope you love all our stuff as much as we do 😉
Shop our Spring Bling Sale For Quality Body Jewelry
We hope you’ve seen all the body jewelry for sale you need for this spring! You never have to wonder where to buy body jewelry again now that you’ve gotten a taste of our spring 2022 rings. Plus, you can check out our other selections to find quality body jewelry for all seasons and all occasions! You might want to look at our hoop earrings or prima donna collections for formal jewelry, for instance 🙂
If you’re looking for where to buy more body jewelry, you can just check out the more risque pieces too! It’s hard to find quality body jewelry for more titillating pieces like nipple rings, but our 14K gold and 925 sterling silver universal hoops are perfect for keeping your piercings healthy. Our body jewelry for sale is perfect for even the most sensitive of piercings!
Plus, be sure to keep up with our blog to get more quality body jewelry tips straight from the people who make it! You know where to buy body jewelry, now just check out everything else you ever wanted to know about it 😀 Our body jewelry for sale is just the tip of the iceberg; we’ve got all kinds of info and explainers about the ins and outs of amping up your body jewelry game.
If you’re all about quality body jewelry, let us know by keeping in touch! You can talk to us about body jewelry for sale all day long, so follow us and stay tuned here for all the spring 2022 events we have scheduled. With our emails coming straight to your inbox, you’ll always know where to buy body jewelry that captivates. Oh, and tag us on social media to get select offers and rewards on your next purchase 😉